Kubernetes - Design and Install a Kubernetes Cluster
Design a Kubernetes cluster
- Purpose
- Education
- Minikube
- Single node cluster w/ kubeadm/GCP/AWS
- Dev & Test
- Multi-node cluster w/ Single Master and Mulitple workers
- kubeadm/GCP/AWS/AKS
- Hosting Production Apps
- consider HA
- upto 5000 nodes
- upto 150,000 pods in cluster
- upto 300,000 total containers
- upto 100 pods per node
- Education
- Cloud or OnPrem
- Kubeadm for OnPrem
- GKE for GCP
- KOPS for AWS
- AKS for Azure
- Workloads
- Storages
- Nodes
- Virtual or Physical Machines
- minimum of 4 node cluster
- Master vs Worker nodes
- Linux X86_64 Arch.
- How many ?
- What kind ?
Choose Kuberenetes Infrastrucure Config
- binary (O)
- tools (O)
Windows : Hyper-V, Virtualbox, …
- binary (X)
- tools (O)
- single node
- multi node
Turnkey Solutions : easy to deploy and manage a k8s cluster PRIVATELY
- OpenShift
- Cloud Foundry Container Runtime
- VMware Cloud PKS
- Vagrant
Hosted Solutions
- GKE (Google Container Engine)
- AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service)
- EKS (Amazon Elastic Continer Service for Kubernetes)
- OpenShift Online
Choose a Network Solution
HA Kubernetes Cluster
HA for avoid “single point of failure”
API server : A-A
split traffic between API server
Scheduler : A-S (election)
Leader Election - RAFT
Quorum = N/2 + 1
recommended to have odd number of nodes
Install from the scratch
Install with Kubeadm
- Control/Worker nodes (Provision VM)
- install docker on Control/Worker nodes
- install Kubeadm on Control node
- initilize Control node
- POD network in Control/Worker nodes
- join Worker node to Control node
Provision Infrastructure
Secure Cluster Communication
Kuberenetes Release Binaries
Install Kubernetes Master Nodes
Install Kubernetes Worker Nodes
TLS Bootstrapping a Node
Node end-to-end tests
End to End tests is no longer part of the CKA exam
Run & Analyze end-to-end test
End to End tests is no longer part of the CKA exam